Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dead Period!

In the life of most of our student athletes the next two weeks are a huge break. Why? Because TSSAA (Tennessee Secondary School Atheletic Association) has declared the week prior and the week of July 4 as DEAD PERIOD. Basically this means that no atheletic activities can take place on any school campus during these two weeks in order to give atheletes a break. This has me thinking... When is the last time you stopped and took a break from your busy life? Scripture puts it this way, "Come to Me, all who weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest" - Matt. 11:28. I believe this is one of the reasons camp was so life changing for our students. It was the first time in a while that some of our students actually slow down long enough to see God work. So enjoy your summer full of sleepovers, camps, swimming, and baking you student minister fresh chocolate chip cookies and delivering them to his office b/c you love him, but do not forget to STOP, FOCUS ON JESUS, & REST!!!


Do not forget Ignite this Wednesday and Summer Nights follows at the Chandlers!


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