Thursday, August 21, 2008


Most people's biggest problem in reaching their friends/family/co-workers with the gospel is the lack of a plan. Well after last night, you have no excuse. For those of you that missed (aka: Jonas' Brothers Concert) let me catch you up.

Thus far THE PLAN includes:
1) Understanding that Salvation is for TODAY!!!!
2) Make sure you're in a right relationship w/ Christ (YOU FIRST!)
3) Make a list of all the people you know
4) Identify your "people you know list" by placing a cross beside the ones you know have a right relationship w/ Christ, place an x by those you know that have no relationship w/ Christ, an a question mark by those you are not sure about
5) Make a list of at least five people from your list that have either an x of ? mark by their name
6) Start targeting them w/ your prayers and opprotunities to talk to them about coming to church w/ you!

Please note: this method is what we are doing to have A PLAN to reach our friends with the gospel. Their are many different plans!! But to not plan at all to tell your friends about Christ will surely result in a fruitless life.

Next wednesday night (at Ignite), Mickey concludes the last step of THE PLAN!!!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The GREAT Eight!!

What is the great eight? I'm so glad you asked!!

The eight weeks from Sept. 1 -Oct. 26 are setting up to be a God send for our student ministry! Over those eight weeks Grace Point will:

Sept. 3 (6:15-8:15) - Retro Skate Party at Cleveland Skate Place - Cost: $5 per person
Sept. 24 (morning) - See You At The Pole - Local School Campus
Sept. 24 (6:30-8:30) - See You After The Pole Community Rally - NCCOG
Oct. 24-26 - "42" Weekend - Disciple Now type event

Including a new Wednesday night concept from Sept 3-Oct. 22 called L.I.F.E., that integrates a theme every week (ex. Sept. 3 Retro Skate Party), games, and competetion to give Ignite a fresh look for eight weeks.

PS - the winning team from L.I.F.E. goes to "42" Weekend for free!!!!!!

VERTICAL CAFE Bible Study (sunday nights at 6:00 PM) STARTS BACK UP SEPTEMBER 7!

So get ready for the GREAT EIGHT and I look forward to seeing how God changes our student ministry in an amazing way over those eight weeks!
