Thursday, August 21, 2008


Most people's biggest problem in reaching their friends/family/co-workers with the gospel is the lack of a plan. Well after last night, you have no excuse. For those of you that missed (aka: Jonas' Brothers Concert) let me catch you up.

Thus far THE PLAN includes:
1) Understanding that Salvation is for TODAY!!!!
2) Make sure you're in a right relationship w/ Christ (YOU FIRST!)
3) Make a list of all the people you know
4) Identify your "people you know list" by placing a cross beside the ones you know have a right relationship w/ Christ, place an x by those you know that have no relationship w/ Christ, an a question mark by those you are not sure about
5) Make a list of at least five people from your list that have either an x of ? mark by their name
6) Start targeting them w/ your prayers and opprotunities to talk to them about coming to church w/ you!

Please note: this method is what we are doing to have A PLAN to reach our friends with the gospel. Their are many different plans!! But to not plan at all to tell your friends about Christ will surely result in a fruitless life.

Next wednesday night (at Ignite), Mickey concludes the last step of THE PLAN!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mickey!
You should post the point totals on the blog just in case someone forgets them. I like the pictures, but they're giving me deja vu because I think you've got repeats on there (or at least similar ones). See you tonight! (I'm bringing more people hopefully!)