Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Great Big Do Over!

I love the New Year! Why? B/c no matter how bad you failed at last year's plans & goals you get a fresh start. The whole world looks at the New Year as fresh start. A fresh start to....
Eat Healthy
Quit A Bad Habit (this applies mainly to UGA fans! ha,ha)
Work Less/Spend Time with Family More

Ironically, most poeple will start 2009 with the same with the same goals as 2008. Unfortuantely most people forget that "if you do what you always have done; you will get what you have always gotten."

So in 2009 lets make some great goals & make sure that God is a vital part of them, but lets also remember that we must change our approach and efforts to accomplish something new.

Go Titans,


When: Sunday, February 1st Time: 5:26-9:30 PM
Cost: Middle School bring a drink, High School setup & planning,
Or $5 dollars

Adults please sign up to bring something on the bulletin board!

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